
Sunday, July 26, 2009

A big ole slice of LIFE....

Yeah, I know it's been quite a while since I've posted...we moved out of our Washington house and into a hotel, and then across 3 states to the Idaho beautiful but boonies, and then into Don's Salt Lake City downtown apartment and then finally into our new digs in South Jordan. But somehow it wasn't that simple...let's just say that a picture is worth a bunch of words....

Reality smacks you in the face when the big orange truck pulls up to the curb....

leaving Washington in the rear view mirror was NOT easy....Stacey and I boo hooed for quite awhile....then Idaho came into view-We made some new friends....they loved the carrots we brought. All the rain in the Lost River Valley made it beautiful and green. It was wonderful to see water in the river.... We made a day trip to see the "National Craters of the Moon"....some things never change. Then it was back in the truck for more Don's apartment in the city. Goodbye, Idaho and visiting the City Library for our internet fix....Here is last. (Check out that NICE lawn...)
I also had to make a street sign so everyone could find us....including the ambulance-See those "pods"? There were 4 truckloads with 4 of them on each., Don has lots of stuff. And then there was the "sink" incident.....way to welcome us in. Grass day was a real upper....
We are now in....and trying this new life. It is a challenge...stay posted.


mommaj said...

The pictures don't do the house justice--it is Huge! Moving stinks, I can't imagine the adventure that moving to so many places in not so many days has been. Good job on keeping your sanity AND your sense of humor!

Fujitales said...

Wow, what a journey! The pics of Idaho made me homesick for Lost River... grma and grpa need to get home soon so we can visit!

We're glad you made it safe and sound. I'm sorry your entry into the state was a little rocky, but there's nobody that can tough it out better than you!

We missed you at Red Fish, but clearly you've had some other things on your plate!!

Erick and Megan said...

Glad you are finally home! Your new house is beautiful and I can't wait to see what you do with the inside! Moving is so hard, it takes a while for it to feel better but then it does. I bet that new grass did help!