
Sunday, November 13, 2011

thanks day 13

I have been pondering this being thankful thing. it is GOOD to be thankful every day. And when you are publicly posting it...even better to say these things out loud.
So, today I was thinking how thankful I am for my hands. Lately I have been plagued once again with cracks on my fingers. Not sure if it is a dry skin thing, but it is painful. But as I sat and felt sorry for myself, I couldn't help but remember how many things they do for me. And I am not counting the regular all day every day routine of things. I am counting that when I get an idea to create they are ready to go. They twist and peel, and spray and glue and paint, and sew and flip back and forth when hot glue gets on them! My list is endless and for these two middle aged hands, I am grateful.

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